Friday, April 22, 2011

Is that the Ice Cream man??

As I was strolling Taylor on our walk home from Target, I noticed the old familiar music of the Ice Cream truck getting closer. At that moment I experienced a flashback of my adolescent days. One time, my friend Jen and I were curious what it was like to drive an ice cream truck. The ice cream man, "Big Ben" reluctantly allowed us to give it a whirl and just to change things up a bit, we temporarily switched the baby mobile-like melody into some hip-hop song on the radio. It was a short lived drive, but a hilarious one!! In this pic: Me when I was about 15 years old.

1 comment:

Alana Tolley said...

I miss 15 for memories just such as this... but who am I kidding? I was still doing that kind of stuff at 20.